Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back @ School

Just a blink.. SChooL reOpenS... OMG!!! 
a week.. just so fast.. in just a week we got 2 big occasions.. One is.. 
Selamat HAri Raya!!!
ONe is
MERDEKA!!!! (remembrance of Tunku Abdul Rahman)
is just too fast.. one WEEK!!! i just went back hometown.. went book fest with all my lovely friends.. Really LOVE them <3 
as long that this holiday not boring.. i Still love it.. but when school reopens.. everything back to normal.. going back to boring life.. tuition.. school.. books.. LESS computer.. TV.. BORING!!! life!!! haha.. anyway.. still i have to go through this life.. cause im still a STUDENT... and facing my SeconD big exam in my life.. wow!! a bit nervous.. but is SO SYOK!!! haha.. so.. end of my post xD 

Saturday, September 3, 2011


还有一个月...我人生中第二重要的考试is around the corner!!! xD

讨厌啊!!! hATE IT!!!

不过怎么办??还是要面对呀~~ 考试很闷...很压力...考不出好的...完蛋!!!考得太好... (应该不会怎样吧??!!)

我好想把发明考试的人给宰了!!不过都不懂是谁~~~ :P 所以没关系啦~

祝自己考试顺利!! 也祝我心爱,可爱,超爱的朋友们...考试顺利!! 趁现在做出最后的冲刺吧!!! 加油加油加油!! gambateh!!!!!